Crossing the Blues

Fourth Hokage (Yondaime) Profile Review

Name : Minato Namikaze (Yondaime)
Age : Unknown
Sensei :
Student : Kakashi Hatake, Obito Uchiha, and Rin

Rank : Fourth (4th) Hokage
Nature Chakra : Wind elemental

Minato Profile Review
Minato Namikaze was the Fourth Hokage. He had a son, Naruto Uzumaki, with Kushina Uzumaki, whom they decided to name after the main character in one of Jiraiya's books. Soon after Naruto's birth Minato sealed the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox into Naruto's body. Doing so cost him his life. Before he died, he asked that the villagers of Konoha not to see Naruto for the monster within him but as a hero who saved the village, a request that was ignored by most. It is unclear as to whether Naruto is aware of his relationship with Minato, although the two share a number of traits that are often pointed out throughout the series.
Prior to becoming Hokage, Minato was the sensei of Kakashi Hatake, Obito Uchiha, and Rin. Before he became Hokage, Minato was taught by Master Jiraiya.
(Source from Wikipedia)

Minato Abilities
Minato's talent as a ninja was a rarity in Konoha, such that he is referred to as the greatest shinobi the village has ever produced. During the Third Ninja World War, flee-on-sight orders were given to enemy ninja by their superiors due to Minato's ability to kill a large number of them instantaneously. He had such great speed that he earned the nickname, "Konoha's Yellow Flash". This is a result of his Flying Thunder God Technique, which allowed him to teleport anywhere without notice by the use of a special seal. He also created the Rasengan, an incomplete technique he had intended to infuse with his own chakra nature. He was unable to do so prior to his death, yet Naruto is able to accomplish this feat in later years.
(Source from Wikipedia)

Third Hokage (Sandaime) Profile Review

Name : Sarutobi (Sandaime)
Age : 69
Sensei : 1st hokage & 2nd Hokage
Student : Tsunade, Jiraiya & Orochimaru

Rank : Third (3rd) Hokage
Nature Chakra : Earth elemental

Sarutobi Profile Review
The Third Hokage (Sarutobi) is the Konohagakure chieftain. He would probably have retired as Hokage of the village twelve years ago had the Fourth Hokage not sacrificed himself in order to seal the Demon Fox. He's now quite old, and he mostly does administrative jobs like running the academy, assigning missions to the ninja teams, and other such tasks. He has a son with Jonin rank, his son's name is Asuma Sarutobi. The 3rd Hokage was killed while using a forbidden jutsu in an attempt to kill Orochimaru (his former student). Although he failed, he did take away the use of Orochimaru's arms so that he may never perform a ninjustu ever again.

Sandaime Abilities
The Third was once called The Professor, due to his vast knowledge of jutsu, purportedly knowing all the jutsu in Konoha. During the only battle he is seen in he utilizes a number of attacks that deal with spitting fire or manipulating earth. The Third also has a personal summon: the Monkey King, Enma. Enma can transform into an indestructible, extendable staff that the Third can wield with great proficiency. Despite all of his abilities, the Third seems to have had some sense of lecherousness in him as he spends much of his free time talking to young girls and even succumbs to Naruto Uzumaki's Sexy Technique on one occasion.
The last ability from the third was Dead Demon Consuming Seal (Forbidden Technique where only 3rd and 4th could do it), it was used to try and seal away Orochimaru's soul.

Second Hokage (Nidaime) Profile Review

Name : Nidai (Nidaime)
Brother : Shodaime
Grandcousin : Tsunade
Student : Sarutobi (3rd Hokage)

Rank : Second (2nd) Hokage
Nature Chakra : Water elemental

Nidaime Profile Review
With The First Hokage as his older brother, Nidaime as the 2nd Hokage along with Shodaime founded the Hidden Leaf Village. Nidaime became the next Hokage after his brother stop down from being Hokage. Both of them died without explained why or how did they die? But exactly their soul have been prison in Third Hokage Cloning Shadow with the Forbidden technique Dead Demon Consuming Seal, that only 3rd and 4th Hokage could do it. It was happened When Orochimaru resurrects Nidaime and Shodai, Kin Tsuchi houses Nidaime's soul. After being turned into a killing machine, he fights his former student. Finally their souls go to the "belly of death" which no one can escape.

Nidaime Abilities
Second Hokage has very powerful water jutsus (even when there was no water). Some of his attacks include Water Dragon Blast Skill, Water Formation Wall, and Water Wave. He also popular with his great sword "Raijin", which was made from 2nd pure power (chakra) and it was been saved inside his body.

First Hokage (Shodaime) Profile Review

Name : Shodai (Shodaime)
Brother : Nidaime
Grandson : Tsunade
Rival : Uchiha Madara

Rank : First (1st) Hokage
Nature Chakra : Fire elemental

Shodaime Profile Review
The First Hokage is one of the most powerfull village in existence, he is extremely strongest shinobi from Hidden Leaf Village (Konohagakure). Konohagakure was founded by an alliance between the Uchiha and Senju clans, which were led by Madara Uchiha and The First Hokage, respectively. The two leaders eventually quarreled, and The First Hokage and Madara fought at the Valley of the End, a fight which the First won. Shodai, and his brother Nidaime (the 2nd Hokage) trained the current Hokage, Sarutobi (the 3rd Hokage) to be next hokage. Though they both died early in their leadership leaving Sarutobi to train himself.

Shodaime Abilities
One of the Jutsus that only Shodai knows is Forest Genesis, where he feeds his chakra to the surrounding plant life making them large and strong and to trap his opponents. The 1st's ability was a blood inheritence that only ran in his clan. there are 5 basic types of chakra a ninja leans on, they are, wind, water, fire, water, and earth. The 1st's clan's ability was the capability of mixing the two types of elements, water and earth in order to make the element,wood.
Shodai another unique ability was the power to control jinchuurikis and bijuus. Thus, being able to calm down the raging chakra of the tailed beasts. This ability was enhanced into the necklace of tsunade. since naruto wears it, Yamato can keep him under control with his abilities.But it seems that orochimaru greatly coveted this ability, and did a terrible experient on it so that he can also gain this ability. he used lots of children who also had this ability
(most likely from the same clan) of the 1st Hokage but ended up as a failure and all the children died in the process, leavung only one child alive, Yamato. so currently, yamato is the only guy that has the abilities of the 1st.

Aburame Shino Profile Review

Name : Aburame Shino
Age : 12
Birthday : 23 January
Animal Friend : Bugs
Sensei : Kurenai Yuhi
Teammate : Hyuga Hinata &
Kiba Inuzuka
Rank : Chunin
Team : 8
Nature Chakra : Earth elemental

Shino Profile Review
Shino Aburame is fascinated with bugs; most of his spare time is spent watching bugs and he often makes analogies to bugs when talking. He speaks very bluntly and never allows emotion to interfere with his judgment, sometimes offending people in doing so. Despite his odd personality, Shino has a very strong sense of connection with his teammates and allies, first seen when he regrets being unavailable and therefore unable to help with retrieving Sasuke Uchiha. From that point further he resolves to work on his teamwork skills, even helping Hinata Hyuga to improve her abilities. The fruits of his efforts are seen throughout the anime's filler arcs where Shino proves able to understand his teammates' inner workings, as he can sense when the slightest of things is wrong with either of them.
(Source from Wikipedia)

Shino Abilities
In battle, Shino takes great use of his intelligence, being able to use his analytical and observational skills to make shrewd judgments with pinpoint reasoning. He prevails in battles by systematically staying steps ahead of the enemy. Because of this, Shino is fairly confident in his abilities and that he will win a battle, and tends to try to communicate this to an opponent for their own well-being. Being an Aburame, Shino was infused at birth with a special breed of insects that feed on chakra. In return for becoming a living hive, the insects attack opponents and carry out other tasks as he commands. Shino has found a number of uses for these bugs, such as having them form into copies of himself and creating defensive barriers for himself and others.
(Source from Wikipedia)

Kiba Inuzuka Profile Review

Name : Kiba Inuzuka
Age : 12
Animal Friend : Akamaru
Sensei : Kurenai Yuhi
Teammate : Hyuga Hinata & Aburame Shino
Rank : Chunin
Team : 8
Nature Chakra : Earth elemental

Kiba Profile Review
Kiba Inuzuka is characterized by his almost symbiotic relationship with his dog Akamaru, as the two are always seen together. Kiba is extremely devoted to Akamaru, and he is more than willing to risk his own life if it means saving Akamaru. Kiba has acquired a few dog-like qualities from the time he has spent with Akamaru, such as being able to understand Akamaru's barking and disliking any food that he can't chew on. He is also very loyal, and despite often being overconfident, he cares deeply for his teammates' well-beings. This is most evident in his efforts to remove his teammates from harm's way as well as his constant attempts to avoid hampering his teammates' progress.
(Source from Wikipedia)

Kiba Abilities
Akamaru acts as a valuable ally in battle, joining Kiba in attacking opponents and using his heightened senses to help Kiba find things. Because Akamaru is naturally better equipped for combat, Kiba typically starts a battle by using Four Legs Technique, to make himself more animalistic. Predominately, this jutsu increases his speed and strength, lengthens his nails to claw-like quality, and, as the name suggests, causes him to travel using his arms and legs. Once Kiba and Akamaru are on an even footing the two combine efforts to perform spinning physical attacks that inflict multiple wounds to opponents. Kiba also can gather chakra to his nose to exponentially increase his sense of smell, allowing him to pick up on the faintest of scents. In Part II he becomes so proficient with this sense of smell that he can track things down that actual dogs cannot.
(Source from Wikipedia)

Hyuga Hinata Profile Review

Name : Hyuga Hinata
Age : 12
Birthday : 27 December
Father : Hyuga Hiashi
Sensei : Kurenai Yuhi
Teammate : Kiba Inuzuka & Aburame Shino
Rank : Chunin
Team : 8
Nature Chakra : Lightning elemental

Hinata Profile Review
Hinata Hyuga is the eldest daughter of the Hyuga clan's main branch, and thus is the heiress of the clan. Her father trained her to use the clan's more basic abilities such as the Gentle Fist style of combat, though in time he came to deem her a lost cause and abandoned her to Kurenai's care. Throughout her early time in Team 8, Hinata's lack of self-confidence and unwillingness to fight would cause her to fail on every mission she is assigned. In an attempt to change herself Hinata enters the Chunin Exams. After her defeat by her cousin, Neji Hyuga, Hinata starts training to make herself stronger. Her efforts eventually allow her to acquire a better relationship with her father, who encourages her to continue working on improving herself.
(Source from Wikipedia)

Hinata Abilities
In the anime, her training eventually results in her creation of Protection of the Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms , a combination of the Hyuga clan's more powerful techniques. With it, Hinata creates blades of chakra that she can use to hit any target in her Byakugan's field of vision. Due to the speed at which these blades move as well as the amount of control she has over them, Hinata can use this technique to attack and defend simultaneously.
(Source from Wikipedia)

Kurenai Yuhi Profile Review

Name : Kurenai Yuhi
Age : 27
Love : Asuma Sarutobi
Student : Hyuga Hinata, Kiba Inuzuka, & Aburame Shino
Rank : Jonin
Team : 8
Nature Chakra : Fire elemental

Kurenai Profile Review
Kurenai Yuhi is the leader of Team 8. Kurenai acted as an Academy Instructor for many years, eventually becoming a Jonin soon before the start of the series. Once Team 8 was formed, Hinata Hyuga was left in her care, Hinata's father having little use for her. Kurenai has since begun to act as a parent for Hinata and tries to help her in overcoming her own weaknesses. Kurenai has a long-standing relationship with Asuma Sarutobi, with whom she frequently appears. Despite this, the two deny being a couple and try to write off the amount of time they spend together, though numerous characters suspect otherwise. In Part II the revelation that Kurenai is pregnant with Asuma's child makes their relationship clear.
(Source from Wikipedia)

Kurenai Abilities
Kurenai specializes in genjutsu, and as seen in the anime is very proficient with it. Through the use of Demonic Illusion: Tree Bind Death , Kurenai can disappear and sneak up on an opponent unnoticed. Once she has done so she creates the illusion of a tree growing around the opponent to effectively immobilize them, allowing her to kill them as she pleases. The Kurama Clan arc shows Kurenai capable of using this jutsu multiple times in a row, as well as being able to create any kind of foliage with which to capture the opponent.
(Source from Wikipedia)

Choji Akimichi Profile Review

Name : Choji Akimichi
Age : 12
Sensei : Asuma Sarutobi
Teammate : Shikamaru Nara and Ino Yamanaka
Rank : Chunin
Team : 10
Nature Chakra : Wind elemental

Choji Profile Review
Choji Akimichi is a long-time friend of Shikamaru Nara. When his peers would refuse to play with Choji because of his size, Shikamaru would stick up for him and spend time with him instead of the others. Because of Shikamaru's willingness to overlook Choji's deficiencies and appreciate his true strength, Choji came to view Shikamaru as his best friend who he would do anything for. Choji is characterized by his love for food, an annoyance for his teammates as satiating himself often comes before other necessities such as stealth and teamwork. Despite his eating habits Choji is very sensitive about his size and becomes highly agitated when somebody calls him "fat". Once called "fat," Choji's resolve to fight is elevated to new levels and he becomes much more hostile to his opponents. Though he looks more muscular than obese in Part II, he is still apparently sensitive about his size, and others make it a point to avoid using the word "fat" around him.
(Source from Wikipedia)

Choji Abilities
As an Akimichi, Choji's style of combat focuses on increasing his size. At the series' start he uses the Multi-Size Technique to serve this purpose, reshaping him into a large, round form. Once in this form he can use Human Bullet Tank to tuck his limbs inside his increased mass and roll at opponents at rapid speeds. Choji sees a number of advancements in Part II; the Multi-Size Technique, while still increasing his size, no longer makes him round. This more manageable form gives him better maneuverability, as he can now fight as he normally would only with the added bonus of his increased size. Choji also gains the ability to increase portions of his body at will, gaining such advantages as larger, stronger arms without taking on gigantic proportions.
(Source from Wikipedia)

Tenten Profile Review

Name : Tenten
Birthday : 9 March
Age : 13
Sensei : Maito Gai
Teammates : Hyuga Neji and Rock Lee
Rank : Chunin
Team : Guy
Nature Chakra : Water elemental

Tenten Profile Review
Tenten is the least seen member of the primary Konoha ninja; her only battle during the first half of the manga is almost entirely skipped, with only the match's start and her defeat being shown. What is known of Tenten is that she strongly believes that female ninja can be just as skilled as male ninja. As such, her goal in life is to someday be as great as Tsunade. Because neither Tenten nor Neji can train on the same level as Guy or Lee, the two are usually seen together having more "normal" training sessions. As a result, Tenten has come to hold Neji's abilities in high regard.(Source from Wikipedia)

Tenten Abilities
Tenten specializes in weaponry, and according to Guy she can hit a bullseye 100 out of 100 times. In battle she summons varying types of weapons from the scrolls she carries with her. In Part I she has many scrolls that serve this purpose, but in Part II she has consolidated her arsenal into a single large scroll. The weapons predominately consist of steel projectiles and an assortment of close-combat weapons, though she is seen using a crossbow in the anime and even a spiked bomb in Part II. Tenten prevails in battle by rapidly throwing dozens of weapons at opponents in quick succession, ombarding them repeatedly with the contents of her scrolls. (Source from Wikipedia)

Rock Lee Profile Review

Name : Rock Lee
Age : 13
Sensei : Maito Gai
Sensei : Hyuga Neji and Tenten
Rank : Chunin
Team : Guy
Nature Chakra : Earth elemental

Lee Profile Review
Rock Lee is Might Guy's favorite student. Lee is very dedicated to Guy, modeling his appearance and many of his habits after Guy's. One such trait is his unwillingness to give up, always being optimistic and confident that he can complete a task. This has resulted in his personal goals in life being to defeat a "genius" such as Neji Hyuga and to make Sakura Haruno his girlfriend. While Lee puts a great deal of effort into accomplishing each goal during the Chunin Exam arc, his appearances in later arcs see little to no attempts to make either a reality. Independent of Guy's influence, Lee is very respectful, never using contractions and always applying proper titles to anyone he meets. He is likewise very honorable, never holding a grudge and always treating his opponents with great respect. (Source from Wikipedia)

Lee Abilities
Lee is unable to use ninjutsu or genjutsu. As a result, Lee's dream is to become a respected ninja by using only taijutsu. Through Guy's mentorship, Lee has become very proficient with taijutsu, mastering the Strong Fist style of combat and being able to open the first five of the eight chakra gates. He constantly wears ankle weights, and when they are removed his speed is drastically increased. Because many of the techniques he has learned can pose a great threat to himself and others, Lee is only permitted to use them to protect something or someone dear to him. While Lee's training has made him a formidable opponent, he is a natural-born user of the Drunken Fist. Should he drink as little as one drop of alcohol, he becomes an unpredictable source of inebriated destruction. His actions while drunk are usually a combination of misguided attempts to impress Guy, regardless of whether or not Guy is around, and he drunkenly attacks any friend or foe that is near him. His alcoholic lapses are relatively brief, and he has no memory of his actions once he has returned to his normal self.
(Source from Wikipedia)

Neji Hyuga Profile Review

Name : Neji Hyuga
Age : 13
Birthday: 3 July
Sensei : Maito Gai
Teammate : Rock Lee and Tenten
Rank : Jonin
Team : Guy
Nature Chakra : Lightning elemental

Neji Profile Review
Neji Hyuga is a child prodigy of the Hyuga clan, yet because he is a member of the clan's branch house he is not permitted to learn the clan's most secret techniques. At the start of the series, Neji hates the main house and its members because of this, readily attacking his cousin, Hinata Hyuga, when given the chance. Neji is also plagued by Fatalism, the belief that one's destiny is inescapable, and that a weak person will never be able to get stronger. After being defeated in battle by Naruto Uzumaki, someone who has time and again proven his "destiny" wrong by getting stronger, Neji has a change of heart. He abandons the idea of a predetermined fate, and resolves to get strong enough to never lose a battle. To do so he begins putting more emphasis on working well with his team, something he had previously neglected to do. In addition, Neji begins trying to remedy the estranged relations between himself and the main house members, most particularly by being kinder to Hinata. His efforts seem to be effective, as in Part II he starts to wear traditional Hyuga robes.
(Source from Wikipedia)

Neji Abilities
As a Hyuga, Neji possesses the Byakugan, which grants him a nearly 360-degree field of vision. Though his Byakugan's range of sight is the standard 50 meters in Part I, he increases it to 800 meters in Part II. The Byakugan also allows him to use the Gentle Fist style of combat to directly attack an opponent's chakra circulatory system. Despite not being permitted to learn many of secret techniques of this style, Neji has been able to recreate its most powerful attacks through simple observation, a feat which surprises many members of the main branch. In addition to refining these techniques into more powerful counterparts, Neji has been able to use the fundamentals of the style to create entirely new abilities. In Part II, this results in his creation of techniques such as the Eight Trigrams Empty Palm , with which he can expel chakra from his palm to attack opponents out of his physical reach. (Source from Wikipedia)

Maito Gai Profile Review

Name : Maito Gai (Might Guy)
Age : 26
Birthday : 1 January
Student : Hyuga Neji, Rock Lee and Tenten
Rank : Jonin
Team : Guy
Nature Chakra : Earth elemental

Gai Profile Review
Might Guy is the leader of Team Guy, though much of his time with this team is focused on Rock Lee. Because Lee's goal in life is to master taijutsu, Guy's goal has become to teach Lee all that he knows about it. Because of Guy's dedication to Lee, Lee has modeled himself in his sensei's image, such as mimicking Guy's distinctive green jumpsuit and shiny bowl haircut (having already had Guy's characteristic thick eyebrows). Lee has also adopted Guy's "nice guy pose," which consists of giving a thumbs up, winking, and smiling with teeth so white they give the proverbial "ping." This action is often used by both Guy and Lee to indicate commitment to a statement they had just made, their highest form of a promise. Guy, and by extension Lee, lives his life by his own "My Rules" philosophy, which involves setting tough self-imposed penalties for failure in the belief that the punishment will make them stronger. (Source from Wikipedia)

Gai Abilities
Guy specializes in using taijutsu, though unlike Lee, does so as a matter of preference. Instead he simply chooses not to use ninjutsu or genjutsu, even going so far as to use a regular disguise during one of the anime's filler arcs instead of the Transformation Technique. In the few instances that he has used ninjutsu, it has always been offscreen, such as when he summoned a large turtle prior to his first appearance. Through his mastery of taijutsu Guy specializes in the Strong Fist style of combat. Likewise, he can open at least six of the Eight Gates, each gate giving him a brief boosts in strength. As the self-proclaimed rival of Kakashi Hatake, Guy has developed an effective counter against Sharingan users: by focusing on their feet, Guy can both predict the movements of the enemy and negate the hypnotic abilities of the Sharingan that require eye contact.
(Source from Wikipedia)

Ino Yamanaka Profile Review

Name : Ino Yamanaka
Age : 12
Birthday : 23 September
Sensei : Asuma Sarutobi
Teammate : Shikamaru Nara and Choji Akimichi
Rank : Chunin
Team : 10
Nature Chakra : Water elemental

Ino Profile Review
Ino Yamanaka is a childhood friend of Sakura Haruno. When Sakura was picked on as a result of her lack of self-confidence, Ino stuck up for her and helped her develop her own identity. As Sakura's confidence in herself grew she became aware that Ino liked the same boy as she did: Sasuke Uchiha. Sakura soon ended their friendship so that the two could properly compete for Sasuke's affection, beginning a bitter rivalry between them. The two maintain this rivalry until the end of their match in the Chunin Exams, after which they begin to rekindle their friendship. Nevertheless, the two maintain a competitive relationship and constantly attempt to outdo the other. During their feud Ino became superficial, thinking highly of her looks and having no problem telling people what she thinks. Although she constantly faults both of her teammates (Choji for being overweight and Shikamaru for his laziness), she actually cares deeply for their well-beings and maintains a strong bond with them.
(Source from Wikipedia)

Ino Abilities
In her spare time, Ino works in her family's flower shop and has become particularly talented in ikebana. The anime's filler arcs show that she's been able to find other uses for her time in the shop and can tell a person's profession by simply glancing at the condition of their hands. Being a Yamanaka, she specializes in mind-altering jutsu. With the Mind Body Switch Technique, Ino can transfer to another's body and control it as her own for a short period of time. Despite the number of times she has used this ability throughout the series, the slow speed and very nature of the jutsu has caused her to have little success when using it. Over the timeskip she acquires the ability to use medical jutsu. While this is not explained in the manga, the anime shows it to be a result of Ino finding herself to be of no use to her teammates in direct combat. As such, Ino becomes Tsunade's secondary apprentice in learning medical abilities, hoping to be more useful to her friends.
(Source from Wikipedia)

Asuma Sarutobi Profile Review

Name : Asuma Sarutobi
Age : 27
Father : Third Hokage
Love : Yuhi Kurenai
Student : Shikamaru Nara, Choji Akimichi and Ino Yamanaka
Rank : Jonin
Team : 10
Nature Chakra : Wind elemental

Asuma Profile Review
Asuma Sarutobi is the leader of Team 10 and the son of the Third Hokage. Asuma is a laid-back individual, and does not get himself involved in things unless necessary. He is often seen smoking a cigarette, and smokes about two packs of cigarettes a day. Despite this, he will break the habit when something is bothering him, such as when the Third Hokage dies. Upon returning to Konoha he begins a long-standing relationship with Kurenai Yuhi, whom he frequently appears with. While the two deny a relationship and try to write off the amount of time they spend together, the revelation that Kurenai is pregnant with Asuma's child in Part II makes their relationship clear. After the creation of Team 10 Asuma begins to spend much of his free time playing Shogi or Go with Shikamaru Nara, though Asuma has never been able to beat Shikamaru.
(Source from Wikipedia)

Asuma Abilities
Asuma's primary weapons in battle are his unique brass knuckles that are capable of being infused with chakra. Once infused with his wind-based chakra, Asuma can use the blades to easily pierce through rock. With his Flying Swallow, he can extend the blades with his chakra to injure an enemy several feet out of the physical blade's range. During the course of a mission, Asuma is drawn into battle with Akatsuki member Hidan, who is able to cause any damage to himself to be transferred to Asuma. Though Shikamaru does his best to lift Hidan's influence, Hidan eventually stabs himself in the heart, killing Asuma. (Source from Wikipedia)

Captain Yamato Profile Review

Name : Captain Yamato
Real name : Tenzo
Age : Unknown
Rank : ANBU
Team : 7 (Kakashi Replacement)
Nature Chakra : Earth elemental

Yamato (Tenzo) Profile Review
Yamato is first added to Team 7 as a temporary replacement for Kakashi Hatake, though he has since come to be a recurring member of the team. Although "Yamato" is a code name given to him for the purposes of joining Team 7, he seems to prefer it over his real name, Tenzo. As a child Yamato was kidnapped by Orochimaru and injected with the First Hokage's DNA in an attempt to replicate the First's abilities. Orochimaru was forced to abandon Yamato before he could complete his research, and thus never knew that Yamato had survived the experiment and was able to use the First's Mokuton techniques.
(Source from Wikipedia)

Yamato Abilities
With his Mokuton ability, Yamato is able to combine water and earth to form wood for varying purposes, such as creating wooden copies of himself or erecting wooden barriers instantaneously. Despite his range of abilities, Yamato states that his Mokuton is greatly inferior to that of the First. He is also able to suppress the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox's influence over Naruto Uzumaki, which is the primary reason he is assigned to Team 7.Yamato is a member of the ANBU, and although he usually projects a calm, stoic demeanor like other ANBU, he can be quite laid back when not on duty, and is not above using his Mokuton techniques for material comforts such as making a house to "camp out" in. (Source from Wikipedia)

Sai Profile Review

Name : Sai

Age : 15
Sensei : Danzou
Rank : ANBU
Teammate : Uzumaki Naruto and Hiruno Sakura
Team : 7 (Sasuke Replacement)

Sai Profile Review
Sai is added to Team 7 as a replacement for Sasuke Uchiha. As a member of Root, Sai has been trained to have no emotions, a trait meant to make him impartial to his missions. This lack of personality causes him to meet with hardship upon joining Team 7, as he makes the mistake of insulting the other members in an attempt to seem sociable. After spending more time with his team, Sai comes to appreciate bonds, particularly the bond that exists between Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha. Wanting to experience bonds for himself, Sai sets out to make as many bonds as he can. His initial attempts consist of giving people pet names, though his habit of calling people as he sees them, finds little success. Realizing that people dislike hearing the truth of how he sees them, Sai begins to say the opposite of how he perceives them instead, such as calling Ino Yamanaka "beautiful".
(Source from Wikipedia)

Sai Abilities
Sai is a talented artist, and claims to have drawn tens of thousands of pictures. Despite the magnitude of things he has drawn, he has never given any of his works a title, a side effect of his lack of emotion. Sai's drawing ability doubles as the source behind his jutsu; he is able to bring to life anything he draws on a scroll he carries with him. These creations range from birds that he can use for flight to copies of himself that can act on his behalf. Sai can also transform words he writes on his scroll into small animals that seek out their target and revert back to words upon reaching their destination, giving Sai a discreet way to communicate across long distances.
(Source from Wikipedia)

Shikamaru Nara Profile Review

Name : Shikamaru Nara
Age : 12
Birthday : 22 September
Sensei : Asuma Sarutobi
Teammate : Choji Akimichi and Ino Yamanaka
Rank : Chunnin
Team : 10

Shikamaru Profile Review
Shikamaru is an extremely unenthusiastic person, and as such lives his life avoiding work. This is partly due to seeking paths of least resistance, as he often chooses to do things he would otherwise not do if people nag him enough. His plans on life reflect this aspect of his personality, as he plans to be an average ninja making an average salary, and retire once his children become independent. In his free time he typically takes naps, watches clouds, and plays strategy games such as Shogi and Go.
He is fully aware of this side of his personality, even dubbing himself "the number one at running away."Despite his lazy tendencies, Shikamaru is extremely intelligent.Asuma found Shikamaru to have an IQ of over 200, and learned that Shikamaru's poor grades were a result of him finding lifting a pencil to be too much work for him.
Nevertheless, Shikamaru works very well with his teammates as their fathers were teamed together in their youth as well. Of his teammates, Shikamaru is closest with Choji, who repays Shikamaru's confidence in him with unyielding loyalty to Shikamaru. Shikamaru also has a strong bond with Asuma, often spending time with him playing strategy games.
(Source from Wikipedia)

Shikamaru Abilities
Using his Shadow Imitation Technique he can capture the shadow of an opponent to either keep them immobilized or force them to mimic his movements.Shikamaru is able to plan out a battle ten moves in advance and can devise over a hundred strategies to use against an opponent.This combination of intelligence and dedication to his teammates causes Shikamaru to become the first of the primary Konoha Genin to advance to the rank of Chunin.
Once becoming a Chunin, Shikamaru's father teaches him how to use the Shadow Neck Bind Technique, allowing him to use his shadow to have more interaction with an opponent by using it to choke an opponent. This more interactive capability with his shadow is put to great use over the timeskip, and by Part II's start he can use Shadow Sewing, which allows his shadow to lift from the ground and either grab and throw weapons or simply pierce an opponent. He also starts to be able to utilize an opponent's shadow for the same purpose with Shadow Summoning Technique,allowing him to use their own shadow against them. Shikamaru also creates the Shuriken Shadow Imitation Technique.
(Source from Wikipedia)

Kankuro Profile Review

Name : Kankuro
Age : 14
Father : Fourth Kazekage
Sister : Temari
Brother : Gaara
Rank : Jonin
Team : Baki
Nature Chakra : Ligthning elemental

Kankuro Profile Review
Kankuro is initially characterized by his apparent dislike for children, as seen when he is noticeably irritated while in the presence of someone younger than him. Though, this seems to have gone away as time passed by. This is most evident when he is with Gaara, who Kankuro is forced to put up with due to the fear his younger brother imposes on him. Despite their apparent differences, Gaara and Kankuro become very close over the timeskip as Gaara begins to confide in Kankuro and shares his dreams of wanting to risk his life to protect Sunagakure. As such, Kankuro has become very protective of Gaara, willing to challenge anyone who puts Gaara down in his presence. When Gaara is captured by Akatsuki, Kankuro rushes to his brother's aid in an attempt to save him and even after being nearly killed as a result he does not falter in his resolve to find Gaara.
Kankuro has shown to be a rather violent and brutal opponent, often leaving his opponents in extreme pain after battle.
(Source fromWikipedia)

Kankuro Abilities
He is a talented puppeteer, and with each of his appearances in the major arcs is seen with a new puppet in his arsenal. The three puppets that have been introduced were all originally created by Sasori, and came into Kankuro's possession some time after the former left Sunagakure. Karasu, the first of Kankuro's puppets to make an appearance, has been heavily modified by Kankuro. Because of this it is highly offensive, having numerous concealed weapons and being able to detach any of its limbs for separate attacks. Kuroari, the second of Kankuro's puppets to make an appearance, is used to capture opponents for assassination purposes. Once an opponent is captured within it each of Kuroari's arms convert to saw-blades and slice through the confined opponent. Sanshouo,the third of Kankuro's puppets to make an appearance, is not seen in action in the manga. In the anime, Sanshouo is shown to have a hollow body that Kankuro can take cover in to defend against attacks.
(Source fromWikipedia)

Temari Profile Review

Name : Temari
Age : 15
Father : Fourth Kazekage
Brother : Gaara and Kankuro
Rank : Jonin
Team : Baki
Nature Chakra : Wind elemental

Temari Profile Review
Temari is generally overbearing, if not crude, besides towards her two brothers, and often not being afraid to speak her mind. She seems to value peace, and questions Sunagakure's justifications for going to war with Konohagakure.she begins acting as a liaison between Sunagakure and Konoha as the two villages prepare for the next Chunin Exam. Temari also seems to have a soft spot towards her two brothers as she constantly worries over their wellbeing.Temari is the oldest children of the Fourth Kazekage.
(Source fromWikipedia)

Temari Abilities
Temari is a keen analyst, and can deduce an opponent's strategies and weaknesses soon after a battle begins. For actual combat she uses her giant iron fan that, in addition to serving as a makeshift club, she can use to glide upon for short distances. The fan's primary usage is for performing Cutting Whirlwind Technique,which creates guidable gusts of wind that she can use to attack opponents over long distances. The winds her fans create can also be formed into tornadoes that immobilize opponents and leave them open to attack. Particularly strong winds can also be used to manipulate the surrounding environment to her advantage, such as uprooting trees to eliminate any potential cover. Temari is able to use the fan as a medium for summoning Kamatari, a one-eyed sickle weasel that creates gusts of wind, akin to a storm, that are capable of decimating an entire forest. (Source fromWikipedia)

Gaara Profile Review

Name : Gaara of The Desert
Age : 12
Birthday : 19 January
Father : Fourth Kazekage
Brother : Kankuro
Sister : Temari
Rank : Fifth Kazekage
Nature Chakra : Earth elemental

Gaara Profile Review
While Gaara had initially tried to be friendly towards others despite their fear of him, Yashamaru's actions and words changed him. Realizing that nobody loved him, Gaara used his sand to create the kanji on his forehead,He became emotionally withdrawn, all but silent, and consumed with a bitter loathing for everyone but himself.
Gaara's insomnia, forced upon him by the fear that the demon inside him would eat away at his personality if he were to fall asleep, only furthered his instability and desire to kill. In time, Gaara's father came to appreciate Gaara and the uses he could serve, and canceled all assassination orders in the hopes that Gaara would become an effective tool for Sunagakure.
Gaara is almost like a mirror image of Naruto; they're opposites, but they're very similar. "Gaara's upbringing was very much like Naruto's. He was universally rejected and ignored, living a superfluous existence. But Naruto and Gaara have different viewpoints on their backgrounds; that's why they come into conflict".
(Source fromWikipedia)

Gaara Abilities
As the host of Shukaku, Gaara possesses the ability to manipulate sand, typically moving it through the air to serve various purposes. When first introduced his basic means of attacks is to capture, immobilize, potentially suffocate an opponent with sand and to crush the opponent with varying intensities. In time he is able to increase the scale of these attacks; by first using sand to cover a large area, and then compressing the sand and crushing all that it covers. His primary defense is an automatic sand shield that surrounds and protects him from damage whether he wants it to or not. At some point in time Gaara begins to be able to form weapons in Shukaku's likeness. Because the replica is formed under extreme pressure and is built of the strongest minerals it is virtually indestructible, having yet to be penetrated by any force. In desperate situations, Gaara can take on the form of Shukaku by layering sand on his body, making him many times more powerful than he already is. Shukaku's personality grows more dominant during this transformation.(Source fromWikipedia)

Orochimaru Profile Review

Name : Orochimaru
Age : 50
Birthday : 27 October
Sensei : Third Hokage
Rank : Sanin
Teammate : Jiraiya and Tsunade
Nature Chakra : Water elemental

Orochimaru Profile Review
Orochimaru's parents died when he was young, leaving him to fend for himself for much of his life. After taking him on as a student, the Third recognized Orochimaru's natural talent as well as malice and a lust for power within him. Over the years Orochimaru began to crave immortality, wishing to use the extended life to learn every jutsu in existence. To accomplish both goals Orochimaru began abducting villagers and experimenting on them in secret, trying to find ways to extend his life as well as replicate jutsu and abilities he could never learn by himself. Orochimaru is a cold-blooded character concerned solely with fulfilling his own ends, and makes it his purpose in life to gain immortality by using everyone and everything around him like pieces of a game to get there. He also enjoys conflict and unrest, becoming bored when neither is in motion. However, he does find conflict and unrest he is not causing useless, claiming that the people involved in it don't understand its true meaning.
(Source fromWikipedia)

Orochimaru Abilities
Orochimaru is a powerful ninja,The scope of his power is quite great, as seen through the Third Hokage's fears prior to the invasion of Konoha that nobody in the village would be able to defeat him in battle at that time.
Orochimaru also has the possibly unique ability to stretch his tongue more than any other human.
Orochimaru has shown the ability to regurgitate copies of himself from his mouth. The primary use of the form is with his Living Corpse Reincarnation, which allows him to transfer his soul to another's body and extend his life indefinitely.
As a byproduct of his research to gain immortality, Orochimaru learned the forbidden technique Summoning: Impure World Resurrection,which allows him to revive the dead.
One such ability is being able to summon giant snakes to fight alongside him in battle, made possible by the summoning contract tattooed to his left arm.
Orochimaru can also call forth snakes from his sleeves and mouth to attack opponents in large numbers with poisonous bites. Another usage of snakes comes in the form of his Kusanagi Sword.
(Source fromWikipedia)