Crossing the Blues

Naruto Prediction - "Equality"

NARUTO Manga and Spoilers (by: Naruto Addict) is the only weblog given consent by Woo to re-post all his writings and predictions.

by: woo

The fight rages on between Sasuke and Naruto. Kakashi and Yamato are up against an unusual foe.

(Lightning strikes. Rain pours. Winds blows violently).

Madara – The forces of nature seem to be having a battle of their own.

Naruto screams – SASUKEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (He sets himself like a fox inhaling the raging winds)

Sasuke – You want us to be equals, you want me to acknowledge you, you want me to see you as a brother? I do, Naruto.... But you need to let go of me...! (Sasuke charges Raikiri using the lightning from above)

Sasuke charges, moment of impact naruto shoots out wind shurikens from his mouth. Sasuke is hit.
Sasuke regains footing and tries to electrify Naruto but he jumps and evade,

Sasuke – Fire Style – Great Dragon Fire Jutsu!

Naruto can't evade, he takes it head on.
Both are hurt. Naruto sets himself to lunge towards Sasuke.

Sasuke – Hmmm... (Attacks Naruto with Chidori Sharp Spear)
Naruto is imobilized. Naruto – AHHHHHH!!!!!!! (Roars)

The spear breaks, Thunder Crashes down between the two forces.

Madara – Uchiha Sasuke, Uzumaki Naruto.... One of you holds the future of Konoha within the palm of your hands....

(At Konoha Hospital)

Kakashi – Yamato, any improvments?
Yamato – Yes Senpai, thanks to Sakura-chan I'm almost back on my feet. How's your arm?
Kakashi – If we had not made it back sooner, i would've lost it. Our foe was truly formidable.
Yamato – Zetsu... Beings of two in the form of one... remarkable...

(Flashback Scene)

Kakashi and Yamato heading back to Konoha

Kakashi – Yamato...
Yamato – Wood Style – Four Pillars Technique!

Zetsu White – That was close...

Kakashi – Reveal yourself....

Zetsu W/B – Yourselves.... There's two of us....
Zetsu Black – Would you like to skip the formalities and just get to it?
Kakashi – Yes, very much so. (Sharingan)

Kakashi is behind Zetsu W/B, slices down with a kunai. Zetsu splits.

Yamato – I got white. Water Style – Destructive Rapid Torrents.
Kakashi – looks like I've got you, White. (Charges forth with a Raikiri)

Zetsu Black – Hmph! (Zetsu Black dissipates into the ground)
Zetsu White – Hmmm... (dissipates also but appears and forms with Zetsu Black and lunge at Kakashi's right arm, he tries to ingests Kakashi's right arm)

Yamato – Senpai! Water Style – Tearing Torrent!

Kakashi – Rasengan! (Unstable version imbued with lightning)
Zetsu W/B is electrocuted,

Yamato – Water Style Destructive Rapid Torrents
Kakashi – Lightning Hound

Zetsu W/B is electrified, he falls.

Kakashi – Yamato...
Yamato – Senpai! (He picks up Kakashi using earth style he is able to slide across the ground at fast speed, but with the risk of his legs being shredded as they traverse back to Konoha)

(Back at Konoha Hospital)

Kakashi – Yamato, thank you. You knew the risk of using that technique will damage your legs...
Yamato – Friends come before the mission Senpai, and Friends come before myself....

(Back to Madara)

Madara – Zetsu-san....
Zetsu W/B – (Gasp!)

Zetsu W/B's body is able to absorb the rays from the sun and the moisture in the air to repair his body.

Madara – Well isn't this something new...

(Back at the Valley of End)

Naruto charges forth with a Rasengan.
Sasuke – (evading) Chidori! (into naruto's back)

Naruto sinks into the water.

Sasuke shoots Chidori Sharp Spear into Naruto who is under water.
Naruto is electrified and slowly floats to the top.

Sasuke – (Charges forth) Chidori!

Naruto breathes calmly erupts with a powerful force. Sage mode.

Sasuke – You have new eyes, Naruto...

Next Issue - Changes

Also read the next chapter prediction:
"Memories of Deja Vu" by woo
"Equality" by woo
"Changes" by woo
Naruto 465, Naruto 466, Naruto 467, Naruto 468, Naruto 469, Naruto 470, Naruto 471, Naruto 472, Naruto 473, Naruto 474, Naruto 475, Naruto 476, Naruto 477, Naruto 478, Naruto 479, Naruto 480, Spoilers, Raw, Predictions